05 September 2006


I can officially, leave all of you a real post! I have about an hour, so I'm going to try and get as much put on here as possible.

Scotland is AMAZING! Jenny and I walked about 10 miles in Edinburgh. We got rained on as we were trying to find out hostel. I travelled with my glasses, so I couldn't really see We ran into this sweet little Scotsman playing his bagpipes and he directed us on where to go. Our hostel was JUNK! It was the biggest dump. The guys that ran it were super nice. There was this guy from Poland that kept flirting with me and Jenny. I figure it is because Jenny is this skinny blonde. haha. Our hostel was on the Royal Mile, which is PERFECT location in this city. We walked all around the Edinburgh Castle the Royal Mile, and Princess Street. It was so odd, there were HUGE groups of men around during the day, then huge groups of women during the night. We actually ate Haggis at dinner. Looks nasty, doesn't it? Let's just say, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It gave me the creeps just to know what it's actually made of...made me shake everytime I took a bite. I lasted for about 3 bites. Anyway, at night, they were celebrating the end of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. so they had a 50 minute firework show coming out of the castle. We stood on the bridge nearby and watched it. The USA could learn a few things from them. 50 minutes??? That doesn't happen in the USA...unless you're at the Stadium of Fire. They had fireworks that looked like water was pouring out the castle. It was really sweet. The wind was blowing SUPER hard, which made it freezing, so we started heading back to our hostel. We almost reached our hostel when the finale started. And we could still see part of it from where we were. It was really cool. Here's the best picture that I could get of the Scottish grass Sharae. I hope that it will suffice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edinburgh looks as good as I remember it...enjoy yourself

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holli you are so sweet. Thanks for the picture of the grass. I'm amazed at how green it really is. THe pictures are great. Keep them coming. I am so happy for you and your trip. Many bountiful memories for you and your friend. Love ya, Sharae

12:54 AM  

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