16 August 2006

Almost exact dates & 17 days to go

Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Ciao, Hallo, and Bonjour again. Here are the exact dates and cities that we will be in:

Sept 2 - 3, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sept 3 - 4, Preston, England (at the temple)
Sept 5 - 6, Manchester, England
Sept 6 - 8, London, England
Sept 8, Paris, France (just waiting for an overnight train to Barcelona)
Sept 9 - 11, Barcelona, Spain
Sept 12, Nice, France (just waiting for an overnight train to Venice)
Sept 13 - 15, Venice, Italy
Sept 15 - 17, Florence, Italy
Sept 17 - 19, Rome, Italy (overnight train to Bern)
Sept 20 - 22, Bern, Switzerland (Attend the temple and visit the Mühlesteins)
Sept 22 - 26, Paris, France

If any of those dates change, I will let all of you know. But this is what is planned so far. I had to cut out Zürich and Münich, but maybe they'll be squeezed in somehow.

For all you Mühlesteins that are reading, I received an email from Peter Jr. today. He welcomed me to visit them on the 21st in the afternoon. Since they speak broken English and Ruth speaks French...do any of you have suggestions of phrases that I can say to them? Since most of you speak German...I need help!!

That's all that I have for today. Thanks again for all the posts...keep them coming. It's nice to know that people are actually reading this site.


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